DAY 1 | 22 APRIL 2021
09:45 Access to the Conference
10:00 Opening Session
Welcome and Introduction: Joana Simões Henriques and Helena Barranha [PT]
Keynote Speakers: Ross Parry and Vince Dziekan – Critical Digital: Museums and their Postdigital Circumstance [UK, AU]
[Session with simultaneous interpretation into Portuguese]
11:15 Coffee Break
11:30 Panel 1: Digital Art Practices
Keynote Speaker: Anna Ridler – Machine Learning and Art [UK]
Dejan Grba – Immaterial Desires: Cultural Integration of Experimental Digital Art Practices [SG/RS]
Myrto Aristidou and Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert – From the Artist’s Perspective: On the Longevity of VR/AR Artworks [CY]
Moderator: Nancy Diniz [UK]
[Session with simultaneous interpretation into Portuguese]
13:00 Lunch Break | Online Guided Tour of the maat Exhibition Earth Bits — Sensing the Planetary (13:30-14:00)
DAY 1 | 22 APRIL 2021
09:45 Access to the Conference
10:00 Opening Session
Welcome and Introduction: Joana Simões Henriques and Helena Barranha [PT]
Keynote Speakers: Ross Parry and Vince Dziekan – Critical Digital: Museums and their Postdigital Circumstance [UK, AU]
[Session with simultaneous interpretation into Portuguese]
11:15 Coffee Break
11:30 Panel 1: Digital Art Practices
Keynote Speaker: Anna Ridler – Machine Learning and Art [UK]
Dejan Grba – Immaterial Desires: Cultural Integration of Experimental Digital Art Practices [SG/RS]
Myrto Aristidou and Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert – From the Artist’s Perspective: On the Longevity of VR/AR Artworks [CY]
Moderator: Nancy Diniz [UK]
[Session with simultaneous interpretation into Portuguese]
13:00 Lunch Break | Online Guided Tour of the maat Exhibition Earth Bits — Sensing the Planetary (13:30-14:00)
14:30 Parallel Session 1A: Hybrid Realities and Collaborative Practices
Pedro Alves da Veiga – The Everywhere Museum of Everything: The Curatorship Challenge [PT] Dominik Bönisch – Suggestions for a Curator’s Machine: A Collaborative Approach to the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Art Museums [DE] Charlie Tweed – Fictioning the Third Space [UK] Debate Moderator: Mirian Tavares [BR/PT] |
14:30 Parallel Session 1B: Museums and the Politics of Digital Transformation
Pablo von Frankenberg – Museum Media Metamorphosis [DE] Janet Kraynak – The Guston Retrospective, the Museum and Self-Censorship: A New Iconoclasm for the Digital Age [US] Marianna Charitonidou – Digital Technologies and the Spatial Organisation of Exhibitions: How Can Augmented and Virtual Reality Enhance Interactive Digital Interfaces? [CH/GR] Debate Moderator: Rita Macedo [PT] |
15:40 Coffee Break
16:00 Parallel Session 2A: Art, Science and Technology: New Objects, New Relations and New Issues
Brendan Ciecko – Neurological Perceptions of Art through Augmented and Virtual Realities [US] Manuel Silva and Luís Teixeira – Immersive XR Technologies for Cultural Heritage in Museums [PT] Nick Pozek – Big Tech and Cultural Heritage: Issues, Opportunities and Implications [US] Debate Moderator: João Nuno de Oliveira e Silva [PT] |
16:00 Parallel Session 2B: Interactive Digital Interfaces and Exhibition Design
Heiko Schmid – Adversarial Interfaces [DE] Catherine Toulouse and Dominik Lengyel – The Mediation of Design Principles by Interactive Information Technologies [FR, DE] Murat Germen – Transformation of Volume into Plane and Vice-Versa: Quest for Alternative Displays of Documentary Photography [TR] Debate Moderator: Alexandre Matos [PT] |
17:10 Coffee Break
17:30 Panel 2: Technology, Memory and Change
George Legrady and Timo Honkela – Pockets Full of Memories (2001-2007): An Artwork Installation Integrating Data Collection and the Kohonen Self-Organising Artificial Neural-Network Algorithm [US]
John P. Bell, Jon Ippolito and Meredith Steinfels – Used to be Different, Now It's the Same? The Post-Pandemic Makeover of Museums [US]
Moderator: Harald Klinke [DE]
18:40 Live Performance: Hiroma Keo (Vilamar Records)
19:00 End of Day 1
17:30 Panel 2: Technology, Memory and Change
George Legrady and Timo Honkela – Pockets Full of Memories (2001-2007): An Artwork Installation Integrating Data Collection and the Kohonen Self-Organising Artificial Neural-Network Algorithm [US]
John P. Bell, Jon Ippolito and Meredith Steinfels – Used to be Different, Now It's the Same? The Post-Pandemic Makeover of Museums [US]
Moderator: Harald Klinke [DE]
18:40 Live Performance: Hiroma Keo (Vilamar Records)
19:00 End of Day 1
DAY 2 | 23 APRIL 2021
09:45 Access to the Conference
10:00 Introduction to Day 2
Helena Barranha and Joana Simões Henriques [PT]
Keynote Speaker: Felix Stalder – The Digital Condition and the Reconstitution of the Public(s) [CH]
[Session with simultaneous interpretation into Portuguese]
11:10 Coffee Break
11:30 Panel 3 – Alternative Ways of Curating, between Crisis and Collaboration
João Paulo Serafim – The Endless Task of Taxonomy [PT]
Annet Dekker – The Art of Curating Online [NL]
Jasmin Pfefferkorn – Collaboration in a Time of Crisis: Art Museums and Digital Solidarity [AU]
Morten Søndergaard – Museums in an Age of Posthuman Crisis: Biotechnics, Mediation and Meta-curating [DK]
Moderator: Juan Martín Prada [ES]
[Session with simultaneous interpretation into Portuguese]
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Parallel Session 3A: Digital Technologies, Accessibility and Inclusion in Museums
Rotraut Krall, Moritz Neumüller and Andreas Reichinger – Accessibility through Participatory Research and Multisensory Technologies [AT] Željka Miklošević – Making Museums Accessible through Digital Storytelling [HR] Vanessa Cesário and Valentina Nisi – Collaborative Digital Storytelling: A Method for Museums to Engage Migrant Communities Around Cultural Heritage Topics [PT] Rachel Augusto – Virtually Musealising Memories: COVID-19 through Storytelling at the Museum of the Person, in Brazil [BR] Debate Moderator: Maria Vlachou [PT] |
14:30 Parallel Session 3B: Archives, Databases and Digital Preservation
Madalena Oliveira and Cláudia Martinho – Virtual Museums, New Media Arts and Sound Archives [PT] Chiara Antico – Digitising Artefacts for Preservation: The Case of Music in Holocaust Memorial Museums [IT/PT] Diego Mantoan – The Strange Urge and Recent Challenges to Contemporary Art Databases. Digitisation Practices and the Archive Development of Famous Artists’ Estates and Private Collections [IT] Daniela Prado, Armanda Rodrigues, Nuno Correia, Rita Macedo and Sofia Gomes – ACOA: Chronological Analysis of the Exhibition of Artistic Works [PT] Debate Moderator: Hélia Marçal [UK/PT] |
16:00 Coffee Break
16:20 Parallel Session 4A: Museums on the Web after COVID-19: Online Representations and Narratives
Pedro Andrade – Big Knowledge on Cultures and Arts in our Viral Society. Sociological Tour Guides for Urban Citizens and Cultural Tourists Using Mobile Devices [PT] Vanda Lisanti – How COVID-19 Changed the Digital Presence of Italian Museums: Comparing Influencer Marketing Attempts at the Uffizi Galleries and the Museums of Bologna [IT] Cecilia Casas Desantes and Demian Ramos San Pedro – Cerralbo Museum, Madrid, 2020: Digital Exhibitions on a Limited Budget [ES] Marina Pignatelli and Vitória Schincariol – Museums on the Web and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of the Immigration Museum in São Paulo [BR] Debate Moderator: Ana Carvalho [PT] |
16:20 Parallel Session 4B: Práticas Artísticas e Curatoriais em Rede | Networked Artistic and Curatorial Practices
[Session in Portuguese with simultaneous intepretation into English] José Oliveira – Computer Art em Portugal? Uma Breve História de Exposições e Crítica de Arte nos Anos 1970 [Computer Art in Portugal? A Short History of Related Exhibitions and Art Criticism in the 1970s] [PT] Priscila Arantes – Processos Curatoriais em Ambiente Virtual: Práticas e Contextos dos Anos 1980 [Curatorial Processes in the Network Environment: Practice and Contexts from the 1980s] [BR] Joana Baião and Sofia Carvalho – Projetos Artísticos e Museus Virtuais, entre o Analógico e o Digital: Estudo de caso do Catálogo Raisonné Graça Morais [Virtual Museums and Art Projects, between the Analogue and the Digital: Case-Study of the Catalogue Raisonné Graça Morais] [PT] Maria de Fátima Lambert – Viagens “curadas” em Registo – Maria Graham e Dora Wordsworth [Curating Registered Journeys – Maria Graham and Dora Wordsworth] [PT] Debate Moderator: Pablo Gobira [BR] |
17:50 Closing Session
Helena Barranha and Joana Simões Henriques
Selected Sounds: Clara Imbert
18:30 End of Day 2
Website Design: Patrícia de Sousa Melo (2020-2021) and Raquel Pereira (2021-2023)
Header Image: Leonardo Silva, 2021, derivative image based on João Paulo Serafim, Memory Invention, 2017 (detail).
Helena Barranha and Joana Simões Henriques
Selected Sounds: Clara Imbert
18:30 End of Day 2
Website Design: Patrícia de Sousa Melo (2020-2021) and Raquel Pereira (2021-2023)
Header Image: Leonardo Silva, 2021, derivative image based on João Paulo Serafim, Memory Invention, 2017 (detail).